Thursday, December 30, 2010

Anyone feeling generous??

 I would LOVE to take these boots from anyone feeling generous come my birthday on January 20! I LOVEEEE THEMMM...Red Chili Peppers especially...I WILL GET THESE BOOTS!
Aren't they gorgeous!?!

Some catching up from Senior Year :)

 Last First Day of School! It was soooo bittersweet.....
 THE best people in my life: my sisters Katy, Carlie, and Sydney ♥
 I will miss softball more than ANYTHINGGGGG
Back to Back Region Champs :)
 Cheerleading...not the most important aspect of my life haha..but I did have some good times
 Sydney and Jesse :)
 Senior Swagggggg
 Haha Nobody could do exactly what Hallie could...hilarious effort though ladies!....
 Muscle Mama!
 Senior Girls at the Powderpuff Game
 Senior Night :)
 hahaha keeping their legs up and holding their breath so they don't lose their boyfriends :)
 swimming partyyy
 Senior Bowling Trip :)

 senior shirts :) awwwww

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Heads uppppp

I'll try to do some catching up on some Senior Year stuff tomorrow....this is ADDICTIVE! :) xo

When it snows, it flurries...

 Pistol just Loveddddd the snow...not.
 We said, "Hey, look its snowing outside! Let's go play in it!"..mama heard, "Life endangering Snow Blizzard!!! Better bundle up!"....pshhhh.
 Poor Buggy was chilly...
 He warmed up to it..................kinda.
 Mr. Little Snow Man :)
We had so much fun playing in the snow for a little while....mostly just making fun of mama...but still, good times were had by all involved parties...

 :) xo

Things I Love:

1. Drawing...I could literally sit down and doodle for DAYS and not even notice anything around me..I think its how I survive school.

2. Taking pictures goes same as #1 except on steroids...Oh my gosh nothing is more fun than taking an awesome know? The feeling you get when you have THE PERFECT circumstance and you happen to have your camera and you look at the screen thinking oh my god. I GOT IT! and you just wanna show somebody right then how awesome it is...Oh Yeah.

3. The best cup of coffee in the entire word when your in just an O.K. mood in the morning makes my wholeee day better....every decent cup happens to be "the best cup" to me at that moment by the way..

4. When you find a book actually worth reading and you CANNOT make yourself put it if you don't fingure out how it ends you might die...

5. Finding the greatest deal humanly possible on jewelry..clothes, eh. shoes, pshh. but jewelry; I have a problem. My granddaughter will be THE luckiest girl in the entire world because to her i will leave the mother load of willed jewelry to her. I'm talking HOT stuff, too. Gosh I love it...

6. Conversations with little kids..everybody knows their cute..but the best is the things they say! Nothing beats a 5 year old kid who isn't shy a bit..they are HILARIOUS! I love hearing exactly how they feel because they WILL tell you and they WILL NOT hold back. Too funny.

7. I will now put good food and stop there...i could type for days and honestly don't feel like discussing it because it will only make me hungry.

8. The quiet right before you fall like honestly how amazing is the sensation when you can feel your brain going into "sleep mode" and your last thoughts are "ahhhhhhhhhh, finally"...

9. Getting Snail Mail! I would absolutely *die* without email..but how GREAT is good old fashion mail...I WILL USE snail mail in college to fill my friends in on's so personal and seeing someones hand writing rather than oh look the same font as every other text I get makes me remarkable happy. LOVE IT :)

10. My planner completes my life...I seriously plan every aspect. Not in a weird OCD way but I like to be organizedddd and see exactly what is going on in my life on paper...not to mention its vera bradley and ADORABLE..seriously though, its great to me. and a Necessity.

(lastly on this list) 
11. Getting a hug from somebody you haven't seen in so long you could cry...even if its really only been a day...sometimes you just need a hug and to feel that person completes your life for the next few seconds..I swear when i miss my friends simply getting a test is not a place filler..i need a legitimate face to face THEN. Skype is no help at that point. It is my belief that a hug can fix ANYTHING given from the right don't even have to say's just understood that they care enough to make everything bad go away for you...

:) xo

First Post!

So today is my First Official Day as (according to plan) a full time Blogger. Boy, did I feel geek typing that! But I loveee writing everything down any ways, so I might as well do it on here, right? I'll try to keep this up everyday...things are kind of hectic as of late though...We'll see how I do! I think my life is pretty interesting haha :) xo