Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This is Less than Fun.

Ha as much as I hate to say it Ya'll, the 30 day challenge was less than boring. it was awful. so I'm Stopping on day 6. Ha so like me to procrastinate and quit!!! Today we start our 3rd 9 weeks exams, meaning I only have one more set until I am finished with high school, and 79 more days until I GRADUATE! How silly is that?? 79 days and I have to leave whether I like it or not?? It's just too much for me to comprehend right now...and to add to my depression of what is to come?...It's supposed to rain all week. SNORE.


  1. ahh that's so exciting that you'll be graduating soon! are you going off to college in the fall?

  2. SUMMER! Very excited though!
