Friday, July 1, 2011

College Girl..

So this week was my first week in college! Whoot-Whoot! i have had the most stressful and the best times of my life already and its only just begun! im so excited about what ill be doing for the next few years of my life!! the new people i have met here at good ole' Georgia Southern are AMAZINGGG and already i have had some great experiences with these people...going out has been a room mates and i have had so much fun goofing off while we get pretty..classes are insane and i was so lost to begin with but now i've gotten the hang of this whole college thing...lets all take a moment right now and pray it stays that way..ill try to make a point to post some pictures of how adorably decorated my room is soon! also im so excited about my fall classes...i registered earlier last week during orientation and got all of my art classes solid! --funny story: one of the girls i met and i were discussing my major between classes one day and she was interested in my drawing classes..and she got to thinking about it and was like oh kind of like sisterhood of the traveling pants??? and i said i guess...but then she was like wait didn't they have to draw naked people? haha ohhhh will that be a funny day if i have to do that....--i laughed pretty hard at the thought of that...but either way IM EXCITED to get going and for football season to get cranked up! GOOOO EAGLESSSS! :)


  1. Excited to see how your dorm looks! :)

  2. Congrats on a successful first week!

  3. aw college is great! enjoy it because it goes by so fast--i'll be a junior in the fall and i feel like it JUST started!
