Thursday, September 29, 2011

Its me here..just sucking at blogging..

alright betches back to where i left off.

So i was home living it up with the people i love the most..i even got to go up to Athens where Mollie (the BFF) lives and we played up there for 3 days, just being silly and shopping as usual..SHOPPING FOR RUSH might i add.

while i'm on the subject of Mollie i have NO IDEA where my life was before her..she hasn't been mentioned too much huh? she was my summer roomy, a completely random act of fate placed our asses together and it was EPIC. i swear the chick is my twin from another life. with a completely different face/body/personality/ect. thats beside the point. the point is i LOVE her. She'll be in the wedding for sure once i find my Prince. She's my person. you know, like if your day has gone straight to hell and you know anyone else would make a face, roll their eyes, and wouldn't get it. Mollie gets it, gets fired up about it with me, says curse words with me, we curl our hair, put on eye liner, and toast to it. she's my person. i need the bitch.

Back to it: I was completely lost on what exactly i wanted to rush so i just made my mind up to become whatever my heart was pulling towards at the end of the week. i bought 4 adorable dresses while i was in athens with Mollie (everyone knows looking like Barbie during rush is the key to Bids. DUH.)

I was home for another week after that and then the day came that i had waited and waited for. Moving in for GOOD. Mama, Daddy, and Sydney helped me load my car up (*and mama's* hey a girls gotta look good and so does her castle.) i said my goodbyes to my daddy and we were off to my new adventure..Statesboro was my new permanent address. fast forwarding through all of the sweaty unloading of clothes, decorations, hair products, and Lord knows shoes, and i was all unpacked. what a process that was. Mama and Sydney hugged me about 3 times apiece and then they left. I was all alone for the first time. No Mollie. nothing. and i didn't know how to feel about it.

For Sorority Rush here at GSU, you move in the week before everyone else and rush begins on sunday before school starts. that meant a week of me living all alone in my dorm and transforming into Barbie daily. every morning i'd wake up, eat a little breakfast, and begin putting on "the face". once i was ready, i'd go to a meeting we had every morning and then head to greek row in my heels praying for the strength to have a perfect and memorable conversation with whoever i was stuck talking to for an hour at each house that day. all of the sororities impressed the hell out of me. (well, almost all of them. some more than others obviously ;) ) it was so tough to decide on just one at the end of the week, but each night i'd go drop houses and narrow down my search for my new home...i was never dropped for a house which made me SO happy. that was my biggest fear every morning when we got our schedules. i was blessed for sure and when Friday finally came and we got our Bids, i got the best envelope id ever opened. i'm sure you've already noticed who i'd chosen and who chose me back....


I love these girls and would not trade ner a one for the WORLD! i know your wondering, Miss Mollie went Phi Mu. We forgave her. ha just kidding!!! But really. 

Sorority life has been SO much fun and has literally changed my life. for the better. ZTA makes me want to do better, be better, and love harder than i ever have before. they are truly amazing girls. never have i felt so welcomed. and who can say 168 girls are all welcoming and sweet? not many. lets be honest...

My art major has been SO much fun. the projects are hard don't get me wrong..but thinking about where my life is heading is SO exciting i cant wait to get into my studio classes for photography :)

have a mentioned the new Boyfrann??? Garrett is on the football team here at Georgia Southern and a Complete Sweetheart. sometimes. ok ok he tries but hey the life of a baller is hard. especially with my being surrounded by Fratdaddys all the time. that part he is not a fan of. Here he is nowwwww

ill end this little session with a few fun pictures from the past few weeks: (college, games, fun, BIG/LITTLE, and a lot more.)


  1. yay, the best around wear the crown! i am a zeta alum. looking at your pictures got me teary eyed! i miss my sorority days :)

  2. Awww thanks! Its been such a blast!!! I'll do my best to keep you updated on all the Zeta festivities! :)

    ZLAM! Zeta Love and Mine,
